  • Ir

    This piece was made as a collaboration with the Norwegian composer Amund J. Røe. The concept of this music piece was an excerpt from the poem "Ir" by Olav H. Hauge:
    ...Det er ir i alt ein tek i, påstår Olai. Difor stend han i gummistøvlar og grev seg ned på blåleire og kaldvatn.
    ... There is unrest in everything one touches, Olai claims. That’s why he stands in rubber boots, digging himself down to the blue clay and cold water.
    "Ir" was performed at the Big Day of DeDoelen, Rotterdam (March 2015), at the Brussels Contemporary Dance Competition (January 2016), at Art Attack Gallery, Rotterdam (April 2016) and at AURA+, Kaunas, Lithuania (May 2017)

    Watch video here